CEEMA family celebrated Christmas on 15th December at CEEMA, Thindal, Erode, Tamil Nadu. It was a time of joy. CEEMA General Body members were also present along with other well-wishers. The highlight of the program was various cultural events presented by the staff and other stakeholders of CEEMA. Gifts were given to the guests, members of the general body, well-wishers, fathers, sisters, volunteers and staff of CEEMA. The director of CEEMA thanked all guests and invitees. Fathers blessed the Crib and cut the cake. Santa Claus distributed sweets. A sumptuous lunch was served to all.


Three families were selected in each area from the five areas where CEEMA is working and the 16 family beneficiaries were given groceries.

COVID 19 Relief Work


About the implementing organization

Centre for Education and Empowerment of the Marginalized (CEEMA) is a social development organization of the Catholic Diocese of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. Since Coimbatore Diocese covers a vast area comprising of four Revenue districts in Tamil Nadu, the Diocese has two social development organizations. CEEMA covers the districts of Erode, Karur, and Tirupur. CEEMA is legally registered and has its registered office at Thindal in Erode, Tamil Nadu, India. It started functioning in 2004. Presently, Fr. S. Pushpanathan is the Director cum Secretary of CEEMA. CEEMA undertakes a variety of social development activities focusing on women, adolescent girls, students, children, marginalized farmers, women farmers, and Dalits. Capacity development of NGOs is one of the concerns of CEEMA. CEEMA has a well-established office with adequate infrastructure and staff.

COVID scenario in India & Tamil Nadu

Covid-19 pandemic has affected India also very badly. As on 6th May 2020

5 pm, India has 49,391 Covid-19 cases and reported 1694 deaths. The worst affected states in India are Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh. In Tamil Nadu currently, there are 4829 active cases with 35 deaths. It is evident that India is not at all a safer place presently and it may take several months to get over the pandemic. India is under lockdown since March 24th, 2020. This has affected the economic situation very badly.

The intervention of CEEMA till now

Soon after the outbreak of Covid-19 in Erode and nearby districts, the director, staff, and the volunteers of CEEMA acted swiftly. Initially, we provided cooked food in association with the government departments. We were also able to provide dry rations to families and individuals living on the streets and the villages.

CEEMA started the distribution of food with the help of the community kitchen formed by the volunteers.  Continue reading “COVID 19 Relief Work”

Corona Virus-19 Relief Work

The unprecedented spread of Corona Virus across the world has literally affected every human being on the earth. We, in Tamil Nadu also experience the same situation.  One of the most affected districts of Tamil Nadu is Erode which is also one of the intervention districts of CEEMA. We, cannot stay lockdown on the face of this phenomenal issue. We have started supporting the efforts of Tamil nadu government in mitigating the sufferings of the people, particularly of those who have no means of survival. We have provided cooked food to affected including street dwellers, migarant laborers and daily wage earners.




Project Reference No. 321-901-1097 ZG


Program: Induction Training for Project Staff & Volunteers

Date: 05/05/2017

Place: CEEMA Training Hall,     Thindal, Erode

Objective: To introduce and capacitate the newly appointed staff and the old staff for the better preferment’s of the projects.

Input Session:

 In order to implement the projects successfully, CEEMA had appointed few more new staff.

One-day staff capacity building training was conducted. The Director Fr. V. Arun explained about the projects in details. He thanked all the benefactors on behalf of CEEMA for their concern in sanctioning the projects. He specially mentioned that all the staff has to work whole-heartedly and efficiently to make the projects successfully. Though, it is a tough task, he solicited the support of all of them.

After the lunch break the director explained the roles and responsibilities of each staff and urged them to follow it meticulously.

The Programme Manager allocated monthly work for staff and asked them to communicate details on a regular basis. There would be monthly staff meeting to review the activities. There was a session on clarifications from the side of the staff. The staff made sincere efforts to know more about the project and the implementation strategies.


All the staff expressed that the sessions were very useful for their field work. And it is an eye opener for our day to day work in the field. How to collect the data for the project and what we need for the documentation for the project ect., Also they expressed that they need more training on documentation and report writings. Finally Director said that he will arrange such trainings in future.




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