COVID 19 Relief Work

COVID 19 Relief Work and Awareness Program

About the implementing organization

Centre for Education and Empowerment of the Marginalized (CEEMA) is a social development organization of the Catholic Diocese of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. Since Coimbatore Diocese covers a vast area comprising of four Revenue districts in Tamil Nadu, the Diocese has two social development organizations. CEEMA covers the districts of Erode, Karur, and Tirupur. CEEMA is legally registered and has its registered office at Thindal in Erode, Tamil Nadu, India. It started functioning in 2004. Presently, Fr. S. Pushpanathan is the Director cum Secretary of CEEMA. CEEMA undertakes a variety of social development activities focusing on women, adolescent girls, students, children, marginalized farmers, women farmers, and Dalits. Capacity development of NGOs is one of the concerns of CEEMA. CEEMA has a well-established office with adequate infrastructure and staff.

COVID 19 scenario in India & Tamil Nadu

Covid-19 pandemic has affected India also very badly. As of 6th May 2020  5 pm, India has 49,391 Covid-19 cases and reported 1694 deaths. The worst affected states in India are Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh. In Tamil Nadu currently, there are 4829 active cases with 35 deaths. It is evident that India is not at all a safer place presently and it may take several months to get over the pandemic. India is under lockdown since March 24th, 2020. This has affected the economic situation very badly.

The intervention of CEEMA till now

Soon after the outbreak of Covid-19 in Erode and nearby districts, the director, staff, and the volunteers of CEEMA acted swiftly. Initially, we provided cooked food in association with the government departments. We were also able to provide dry rations to families and individuals living on the streets and the villages with the help of Community Kitchen formed by Ceema Volunteers.

Without any discrepancy of Religion, Caste, Creed, and Colour this volunteer group worked with the motive of Sharing and Caring of the poor, downtrodden, jobless, and people suffering from starvation. Ceema provided rice and other grocery items for the preparation of food and distributed them to 700 people.







CEEMA provided the dry ration in GOBI on 30.05.20 with the support of TASOSS

  • 50 people participated
  • They belong to SHGs
  • Rice, Dal, Oil, Vegetables provided
  • Mask and soaps were distributed
  • Printed notice was issued to get knowledge of hand wash methods.
  • Volunteers did the arrangments properly.

CEEMA provided the dry ration at Mulanur, supported by TASSOS

  • In the presence of Panchayat Councilor, Mr. Indramoorthy distribution took place.
  • Poor members of the Self Help Group received the grocery items.

CEEMA provided the dry ration at Kundadam, supported by TASSOS

  • Jobless people are selected by the Ceema Staff
  • Since they are not able to repay the loan due to lockdown, this provision is very much helpful to them
  • Ceema Staffs did the arrangments.
  • Rice, Dal, Oil, Paasipayaru, were provided
  • Tassos did meaningful sharing.
  • Dates, Biscuits, and healthy drink packets were included in the pack.
  • Safety kits like masks and soap are very useful to them.


CEEMA provided the dry ration at PERUNDURAI, supported by TASSOS

  • Perundurai MLA Mr.Thopu Vengatachalam grace the occasion.
  • Rice, Oil, and other Grocery items were given to the poor.
  • He appreciated CEEMA for its meaningful and timely service.
  • He enumerated the Government Schemes which are available to the vulnerable sections.
  • Ceema Director Fr.Pushpanathan honored him with a shawl and elaborated to him the services done in the past and present.
  • Tassos helped at the right time.
  • Around 60 women were the beneficiaries.
  • We followed Social distance and other norms instructed by the Government.
  • Well, arrangments were done by Ceema staff.

CEEMA provided the dry ration at Dharapuram, supported by TASSOS

  • 60 poor families were selected by Ceema staff
  • They are selected from SHG groups living in three villages.
  • Due to lockdown, they were in a very desperate situation.
  • Rice and grocery items will be sufficient for two weeks at least.
  • They were very happy to receive it.
  • Many appreciated  Ceema for its benevolence
  • They collected it in the presence of Ward member Mrs. Anushya who promised to support the beneficiaries in the future by admiring the help provided by Tassos.


CEEMA provided the dry ration at Kangeyam, supported by TASSOS

  • Ceema staff meticulously selected the needy.
  • Nearby wholesale dealers consented to sell this grocery for less price as part of their share in this distribution.
  • Necessary items are selected
  • Migrants, Disabled, Jobless were selected.
  • Few members of Self-help groups for women were the beneficiaries of this program.
  • They are selected as they were repaying the loan amount properly without any delay.
  • Tassos’ help encourages these beneficiaries to be responsible for their relationship with Ceema.
  • Local Panchayat officials helped to have decent distribution by observing the norms given by the Government.


Dry ration distributed to the disabled at Perundurai on 15.5.20,  organized by CEEMA, arranged by Perundurai Lawyers association, supported by SPICMA

  • With the help of the Perundurai Lawyers Association, disabled people are selected meticulously
  • lawyers extended their cooperation by identifying the needy.
  • Some of them are living alone, without the support of family members.
  • SPICMA support raised their hope to live peacefully in this critical situation.
  • Few of them are unaware of Government schemes.
  • This distribution enhanced the spirit of service to society. By which Lawyers decided to help these people in their inability to embrace the benefits available from the Government.
  • Beneficiaries appreciated the organizing institution Ceema and support extended by Spicma.

Dry ration distributed to the poor of Karapparai village, Thindal and panchayat workers on 19.5.2020 in the presence of DD of Health, supported by SPICMA

  • The dry ration package is distributed in the presence of Mrs. Dr.Soundammal, DD of health, Erode.
  • The poor people from  Karaparai were invited to the office premises.
  • Around 30 members from 30 families came and took part in the collection of benefits.


  • Ceema staff selected the needy by personal visit.
  • 40 Thindal panchayat workers also were benefited by collecting the grocery items.
  • Mrs.Soundammal, DD of health appreciated the charitable work by Ceema and encouraged to continue the relief work.

CEEMA provided the dry ration in Erode to Women Working Class, supported by SPICMA

  • Ceema distributed the relief materials to the women who are working in a tailoring unit for day wages.
  • Due to the pandemic, they were jobless which led them to starve and the whole family is affected severely.


  • Around 30 members participated in this distribution.
  • These relief materials supported those families well at least for two weeks.
  • Spicma’s help is timely and highly appreciated by the beneficiaries.

CEEMA distributed dry ration to the little sisters of the poor old age home on 20.06.20 with the support of SPICMA

  • In the presence of Mr.R.M Subramaniam, Joint Director of Agriculture this program took place.
  • Since the Sisters of the home depend on the donations for its maintenance, this distribution supported them well.
  • Mr.Christopher, a lawyer, is the well-wisher of Ceema took part in this program and helped in the purchase and arrangments.
  • Rice, Oil, Soap powder, Phinaline, Dal, and Sambar powder were given to them.
  • Sisters and residents find this help as a gift from God because during this lockdown usual donors are unable to come in person to donate. So help by Spicma is a highly appreciable one.

CEEMA provided Health drinks, Safety Kits to Erode Cancer Center, Thindal on 6.6.2020, supported by TASSOS and CARITAS

– Caritas, Delhi came forward to share for the relief work.

  • Erode Cancer Centre doing wonderful service during this lockdown. So Ceema distributed safety kits to its workers especially to the Doctors who are always with the patients for their speedy recovery.
  • By using this opportunity we provided health drinks to the patients.
  • To increase their immune power it is the right time to give them an opportunity to be aware of the health drinks.
  • In the presence of Dr. Suresh, Senior Consultant, and surgeon necessary materials were distributed.
  • Director of Ceema Fr.Pushpanathan explained elaborately about the rise of the coronavirus and its immeasurable damage to the society. He requested all to follow the norms issued by the government and to wear the mask.
  • Dr.Velavan, Director of the Centre appreciated the service of Ceema and help extended by Spicma.

CEEMA provided the dry ration in Erode to Self Help Groups, supported by SPICMA

  • Ceema organized the distribution of Covid-19 relief materials in Erode which is Ceema’s one of the intervention areas.
  • Around 35 members are benefited from the self-help group who are struggling to meet both ends.
  • Due to lock down and the jobless situation they are unable to find out the solution to repay the loan. Added to that it is hard to provide meals to the members of the family.
  • These provisions will support them in a few days.
  • They are very happy to receive the pack and thanked the institution Spicma for its benevolence.

Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap in Valipurathanpalayam, Erode supported by IBC and CARITAS

  • As part of the COVID-19 program, Ceema did the awareness of coronavirus.
  • Mr.Subramaniam, Joint Director of Agri Dept gave awareness talk.
  • He encouraged the audience to follow the norms given by the government.
  • Printed materials were given and explained to the participants.
  • Puppet artist Mr. Thomas from Erode, working as a teacher in Union school, made the event colorful one by his mimic talent and voice modulation.
  • In an interactive method, he passed the message to the beneficiaries.
  • Ceema staff arranged the event in a meticulous manner.

Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap in Kaliyangattuvalasu, Erode by  CEEMA, supported by IBC

  • Ceema under the able guidance of its director arranged an awareness program at Kallayagattuvalasu were a good number of people gathered in social distance.
  • All of them are provided a protective mask that is washable and reusable.
  • Many collected the mask for the first time and wore it.
  • Printed materials were issued.
  • Director Fr.Pushpanathan requested them to go through the sheet and follow the methods of hand wash given in the sheet.
  • Soaps were given to them for sanitization.
  • The staff did the arrangments neatly.

Awareness program on COVID 19 and distribution of mask & soap in Puthuvalasu, Erode supported by IBC

  • Mr.Subramaniam, Joint Director of Agri Department distributed safety kits to the workers in natural oil production centers, Coir mat making units, street vendors.
  • Ceema staff organized the program by having a consultation with village heads personally.
  • Puthuvalasu village head Mrs. Muthu Lakshmi presided over the program. She encouraged the villagers to come and attend in good numbers. She interacted with the participants and explained to them about handwashing methods, taking nutritious food to increase their immunity and the wearing of a mask, and so on.
  • Fr.S.Pushpanathan, Director, Ceema elaborately spoke with them about the norms given by the government in fighting against this virus.
  • Villagers appreciated the effort taken by Ceema and promised that they would follow the instructions given to them.

Awareness program on COVID 19 and distribution of dry ration at Mariyalaya home for Children on 11.6.20 organized by CEEMA, supported by IBC

  • Fr.S.Pushpanathan, Director, CEEMA distributed COVID-19 relief materials to the inmates of ‘Marialaya’ Children home.
  • Rev.Sr.Synthiya, SDB arranged everything neatly.
  • 16 children who are studying from 10th to college studies attended in this event.
  • Rice, OIl, Sugar, Soap, and other basic grocery items were provided.
  • Students were given printed materials to go through and share with others as volunteers for this awareness program
  • They carried the placards on those COVID-19 instructions, precautions measures keep safe, methods of handwash, and so on.
  • Sisters and inmates were happy to receive this help and expressed their thanks to CEEMA and IBC by the promise that they will pray for the good health and well functioning of the institutions and staff.

Awareness program on COVID 19 and distribution of mask & soap in Kallakadu, Tirupur by CEEMA supported by IBC

  • COVID- 19 Awareness program was conducted by Ceema at Kallakadu, Tirupur in the presence of Mr. Sabapathy, Sub Inspector of Police, and Mr.Gnanavel, Village officer.
  • Mr.Sabapathy, Sub Inspector requested the gathering to observe the norms given by the Government and approach the service of the police with confidence and trust.
  • Mr.Gnanavel instructed the audience to follow the rule of social distance and usage of Sanitization.

  • Fr.Pushpanathan, director of Ceema explained the methods of hand wash and usage of a mask.
  • Mr.Thomas, Puppet Show artist interacted with the crowd and exhibited his mimic talents by which shared the effect and huge expense behind the COVID-19.
  • Village heads appreciated Ceema for its commitment to this program.

Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap at Jana Sakthi Nagar, Tirupur, supported by IBC

  • Fr. Pushpanathan, Director of Ceema distributed mask and soap to the people of Sakthi Nagar where around 100 people gathered to listen to the awareness instructions.
  • Local village leader Mr. Anburaj, Social Activist spoke with the people about the Government norms.
  • Puppet Artist Mr.Thomas made the event colorful by his mimics and song on COVID-19.
  • The participants were happy to receive the safety kits and printing materials by which showed the interest and responsibility in safeguarding themselves from this killing disease.

Awareness program on COVID- 19 and  distribution of mask & soap at Mariyapuram organized by CEEMA, supported by IBC

  • Awareness on COVID-19 took place at Mariapuram in the presence of Rev.Fr.Arokiaraj, Parish Priest and Mr.Antony, Panchayat Councilor.
  • Children, Youth and elders altogether around 80 attended in it.
  • Parish Priest did the arrangments and informed the people to take part in a good number.
  • Everyone received the mask and fix on the face to show their interest and involvement in observing the norms of Government.
  • They took part in the program by keeping the social distance.

Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap in Periya Mariapuram, by CEEMA, supported by IBC

  • People nearby the place called Periya Mariapuram invited the team to do the awareness.
  • Printing materials, soap and masks were distributed to them by Fr.Pushpanathan, Director of Ceema.

Puppet artist Mr.Thomas and local musical instrument players joined together made the program a colorful one.  People were excited by knowing the effects, mounting expenses for treatment and expressed their decision to follow the Government instructions.

Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap in College Colony, Gobi, by CEEMA, supported by IBC

  • Ceema conducted awareness on COVID-19 at College Colony, Gobi in the presence of Mr.Rajesh, Sub Inspector of Police.
  • He received the masks and distributed them to the gathering and encouraged them to wear it both in the house and outside.
  • He gave a few incidents of Corona Virus-infected and elaborated them to be cautious enough from the killing disease by observing the norms of Government.
  • Fr.Pushpanathan issued printed materials by which to follow the methods of hand wash.

Awareness program on Cancer and COVID-19 and distribution of mask & soap in Mallanayakiyam Thottam, Gobi, by CEEMA, supported by IBC and CARITAS

  • At Mallanayakiyam Thottam, Gobi Ceema conducted COVID-19 Awareness in the presence of Mrs.Anbuselvi, Social Worker who did the arrangments with permission from the panchayat and police leaders.
  • Mr.Thomas, Puppet Show artist made use of the opportunity and made the event an interesting one.
  • By using the interactive method, he brought out the information, instructions and present conditions of the Corona Virus and made the gathering well aware of the killing disease.
  • Everyone present took part in commitment and deep conviction to know and observe the norms for the safety of the family and society.



Awareness program on Cancer and COVID-19 and distribution of mask & soap in Karatadipalayam, Gobi, by CEEMA, supported by IBC & CARITAS

  • At Karatadipalayam, Gobi a good number of people gathered and expected our presence eagerly.
  • Mrs. Anbuselvi, Social Worker gave a talk on the effects of Corona Virus, symptoms to understand and food systems to follow.
  • Fr. Pushpanathan, Director of Ceema explained to them, the methods of handwash and Government norms to follow.
  • Local volunteers joined with Mr.Thomas, a puppet show artist to tell them about the rising of the infected and its implications in the society which seriously affect the economic condition.


Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap in Pallakotta colony, Gobi, by CEEMA, supported by IBC






  • Mr. Thomas, Head Master of the RC Primary School arranged at Pallakotta Colony, Gobi.
  • Ceema conducted COVID-19 awareness in the presence of Mr. SakthVel, Farmer and Social worker who gave a talk on the symptoms and damages inflicted by this pandemic. He continued to instruct the gathering to follow the norms like the observation of social distance, wearing a protective facial mask, frequent hand wash and sanitizing hand and leg while coming home from outside and so on.
  • Mr.Thomas, puppet show artist made use of the gathering and explain to them about the virus entry into India , TamilNadu and local areas and the hospital expenses, and severe damage to the mental strength and so on.
  • Fr.Pushpanathan, director of Ceema thanked the gathering for its application to get clear information about the COVI-19 and meticulous arrangments by Mr. Thomas.

Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap in MG nagar, Alukuzhi, Gobi, by CEEMA, supported by IBC


  • Ceema conducted an awareness program at MG Nagar, Alukuzhi
  • The Director gave away the materials for the poor.













Awareness program on COVID- 19 and  distribution of mask & soap in Saravanapathi colony, Perundurai, by CEEMA, supported by IBC & Little Way Association





Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap in Kavundanur, Perundurai, supported by Little Way Association






Awareness program on COVID- 19 and CEEMA distribution of mask & shop in Kummpakazhipalayam, Perundurai, supported by Little Way Association






Awareness program on Cancer and COVID-19 distribution of mask & soap in Pattakarapalayam,  Perundurai, supported by CARITA & Little Way Association






Awareness program on COVID- 19 and  distribution of mask & soap to the Little sister of the  poor old aged home, Thindal, supported by IBC and Little Way Assosiation






Awareness program on COVID- 19 and  distribution of mask & soap and Printed materials to Erode Cancer center, Thindal, supported by IBC






Awareness program on COVID 19 and distribution of mask & soap and dry ration in  Erode, supported by Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross, Swiss.






Awareness program on COVID- 19 and  distribution of mask & soap and dry ration in Perumal malai, Erode, supported by SPICMA & IBC






Awareness program on COVID- 19 and  distribution of mask & soap and dry ration in JJ Nager, Perundurai, supported by Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross,Swiss






Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap and dry ration in Sakthinagar, Perundhurai, supported by Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross,Swiss






Awareness program on COVID 19 and distribution of mask & soap and dry ration in Annaisathiya Nagar, Perundurai, supported by Little Way Assosiation.





Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & shop and dry ration in Bharathi Nagar, Erode, supported by SPICMA






Rally and Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap and dry ration in the presence of  Suprindent of Police, Karur, supported by IBC & CARITAS





Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap and dry ration in Karur, supported by IBC & Little Way Assosiation






Awareness program on COVID 19 and distribution of mask & soap and dry ration in Karur, supported by IBC & CARITAS





Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap and dry ration in Karur, supported by Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross, Swiss







Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap and dry ration in Nerur, supported by Little Sisters of Assosiation






Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap and dry ration in Karur, supported by Little Way Assosiation






Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap and dry ration in Nerur, supported by Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross, Swiss







Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap and dry ration in Kilambady, supported by Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross, Swiss






Awareness program on COVID- 19 and distribution of mask & soap and dry ration in Pasur, with the support of Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross, Swiss






Awareness program on COVID 19 and distribution of mask & soap and dry ration in CEEMA office, Thindal, in the presence of Fr. John Xavier Kulandhai, V.F., Parish Priest, Erode, supported by Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross, Swiss.







COVID- 19 Relief materials and grocery items packed in CEEMA office.