Cancer Care Campaign


Cancer Network Meeting

Project Name:    “ Ezhuvom Iyakkam Cancer Care Campaign.

Date :                            11.01.2020.

Place:                            Erode Cancer Centre, Thindal.

No of Participants:  11

  • We had Network Meeting with Erode Cancer Centre. Dr.Velavan, MD of ECC, Dr. Suresh, Dr.Ponmalar, Director ECC and other staff of ECC along with  Fr.Pushpanathan, Director of CEEMA, Roseline, Consultant and the Coordinator of CEEMA had the meeting . Discussed about the project program how we can do it.

The consultant explained the role of CEEMA and the support expect from the hospital for implementing the project.

Dr. K. Velavan said that they can help us with their medical team for cancer screening, medical camp and other awareness program. He also said that he would introduce some doctors in Erode area for free surgery for ovary cancer people. He is very much interested in introducing Perundurai (GH), Erode (GH) doctors and work with CEEMA in future to eradicate Cancer from this Society. At the end, Ceema Director thanked everyone.

Interface Meeting

Date:                    30.01.2020.

Place:                  Erode Cancer Centre, Erode.

Resource Person: Mr.Thomas V.John (Sec.,Red Cross Soceity, Erode)

  • We had Interface meeting with Red Cross Society, and Erode Cancer Centre, Thindal on 30th January at Erode Cancer Centre Hospital, Thindal by 11.30 am. Mr. Thomas V. John (Secretary, Red Cross Society, Erode), Dr. Velavan (M.D., Erode Cancer Centre), Mr. Sunil George Kurian (Consultant, ECC), Dr. Ponmalar(Director, ECC), Dr. Saravanan(Cancer Researcher, ECC), Fr. Pushpanathan (Director, CEEMA) and Jolly Abraham (Coordinator, CEEMA)

  • The meeting started at 11:30 am, Fr. Pushpanathan welcomed the dignitaries and introduced the project. Then the discussion started, Mr. Thomas V. John (Secretary, Red Cross Society, Erode) extended his support to implement the project ‘Ezhuvom Iyakkam” and he also said that he would arrange school programs in his contact. And Dr. Velavan (M.D., Erode Cancer Centre) said that he would support with medical camp and cancer screening and other awareness program. Mr. Sunil George Kurian, the consultant spoke of the possibilities to precede the project in a meaningful way with the support of Red Cross and Erode Cancer Centre along with CEEMA for the benefit of the people. Dr. Ponmalar requested to CEEMA to concentrate on more of awareness among women in rural areas.
  • Then CEEMA Director and point person invited them for the launching of the project on 6th February 2020 at CEEMA. With vote of thanks by point person the meeting came to an end.


Project name               :     EzhuvomIyakkam” Cancer Care  Campaign

Place                              :     Erode Collectorate, Erode Cancer Centre &CEEMA,  Thindal

Date                               :    04th& 06th February 2020

Presided By                  :    Most Rev. Fr. John Joseph Stanis (V.G &Vice President of CEEMA),

Organized By               :  Fr.S.Pushpanathan, Director, CEEMA, Erode.Erode Cancer Centre, Erode.

No. of Participants     :  930

Cancer awareness Rally: (number of participants 500)

  • Cancer Awareness Rally “EzhuvomIyakkam” in connection with Cancer Care Campaign was held inErode on 4th February 2020.It also coincided with the observance of Cancer Day. The rally provided awareness among the public to create a cancer-free Erode. The rally was organized by CEEMA in association with Erode Cancer Centre (ECC). It was inaugurated by the District Collector Mr. C. Kadiravan. Other dignitaries participated in the rally included Dr. Velavan (M.D., Erode Cancer Centre), Dr. Suresh (Medical officer, ECC), J.J. Bharthi Chairman,Selva Charitable Trust, Erode. The rally started at 9 am from the KalingarayanIllam and ended at KonguKaliyarangam, Sampath Nagar. The students of Nunda College and SHG members around 500 peopleparticipated in the rally.
  • Seminar on Cancer Care: (number of participants 300)

Followed by the rally, a seminar was organized at Erode Cancer Center, Thindal, Erode. It was addressed by Mrs. Lakshmi ML, Secretary/Pro-Judge (District Legislative Commission) Erode, Mr. Shanmugan Chairman, Nanda Education Institution, Dr. K. Velavan, MD, ECC, Fr. S. Pushpanathan,director

CEEMA, and Mr. J.J. Bharthi Chairman, Selva Charitable Trust, Erode. A signature campaign was also organized to generate cancer awareness. In this seminar the nursing students for Nanda Collage and nursing students of Erode Cancer Centre and the patients and bystanders also participated.

Launch of Cancer Care Campaign:(number of participants 130)

  • The launch of the project “EzhuvomIyakkam” Cancer Care Campaign was held at CEEMA, Erode on 6th February 2020. Msg. Rev. Fr. John Joseph Stanis (V.G. &Vice President of CEEMA) formally launched the project.
  • John Arokiaraj (Manager, Caritas India) along with Dr. Soundammal (D.D. Health,Erode),Dr. Velavan(M.D., Erode Cancer Centre), Dr. Ponmalar(ECC), Dr. Janet(General Body member of CEEMA), Dr.Subathira (Radiologist, Breast Imaging Society of India), Mr. Bharathi (Founder, Selva Charitable Trust),Mr. Thomas V. John (Secretary, Red Cross Society, Erode) and Dr. Suresh (Medical officer, ECC) attended the program. A signature campaign was also arranged.
  • Nutrition supplements were distributed to twelve cancer patients.
  • Nursing students, volunteers and women from self-help groups and other well-wishers of CEEMA had attended.
  • The program was started with state anthem followed by welcome dance by students of St. Marie’s school. Then the chief gusts lighted the lamb. CEEMA director welcomed the chief guests and honored them.
  • John Arokiaraj gave an overview of cancer situation in India and explained about the ‘EzhuvomIyakkam’ project. Dr. Velavan elaborated on spread cancer and the cancer status in Erode district. Other special invitees also spoke about different issues related to cancer and also emphasized the need to create more awareness among the people for early detection of cancer. Msgr. Rev. Fr. John Joseph Stains delivered the inaugural address.
  • After the sharing of the invitees, we had the formal launching of the project by releasing the IEC material.
  • Participants took pledge on cancer
  • Signature Campaign was also arranged.
      • The program came to an end with vote of thanks by Mr. NallaiyanPandi, coordinator of CEEMA followed by National Anthem. “I Can, We Can” (Theme for World Cancer Day-2020)

        Orientation of cancer care programme to staff

  • Date:    9, 10.01.2020
  • Place:  CEEMA, Mini Hall.
  • No. of Participants:   8 Persons.

  • The Ezhuvom Iyakkam Cancer Care Campaign for erode district. The meeting was set up to inform staff about their cancer orientation. Point person also greeted everyone at the gathering and gave the welcome address. This meeting was hosted by the Ms. Roselin madam.
  • She was said we are going to do this project for a year and a half. Have divided it into two. First we have 9 months and then the next 9 months totally 18 months. She explained what we should do for the first 9 months.

Follows Programme:

  • Mass campaign
  • School awareness
  • Interface meeting
  • Staff meeting
  • Networking meeting
  • Quarterly review meeting
  • Cancer screening camp
  • Voluntaries 100
  • ID card
  • Core committee meeting

The project we are going to do after that is in the Erode district. So we took some planning for implement this in Erode district. First we planned to divide the block and work in the respective area. We decided to take some surveys to the erode district following on (based on age, gender, urban, rural).




Cancer Awareness programme at Kangeyam.

The CEEMA organization conducted a Cancer Care Campaign. The purpose behind this program is

  •  To create awareness of the disease.
  • To help people recognize the early signs and symptoms of cancer, thus enabling them to seek treatment at an early stage. The programe encourages the participants to seek prompt medical attention for symptoms which  may include lumps, sores, bleeding, hoarseness, weight loss and persistent indigestion/cough/pain, etc.
  • To inform people about the importance of cancer check-ups at an early stage.

The progrmme was conducted by Fr. S. Puspanathan,’Cancer often creates fear which comes out of ignorance and misconception’. He spoke on this and enforced that it is curable and about 1/3 of cancer cases could be reduced if cases are treated and detected at an early stage. He also told that more than 30% of cancer cases could be prevented by modifying lifestyle or avoiding key risk factors.  He explained very clearly about the different symptoms fo cancer.

Bladder changes:

  • Troble urinating, Pain when urinating, Blood in the urine.

Bleeding or bruising:  Blood in the Stools, Changes in bowel habits.

Eating problems:  Pain after eating, Indigestion, Trouble swallowing, Vomiting

Mouth changes: A white or red patch on the tongue or in your mouth.

Neurological problems: Headaches, Seizures, Vision & Hearing changes, Drooping of the face.

Skin changes: A flesh- colored lump that bleeds or turns scaly, A new mole or change in an existing mole, A sore that does not heal, Jaundice ( yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes).

Swelling or lumps anywhere such as in the neck, underarm, stomach, and groin, Weight loss or Weight less for no known reason.

During the programmes, information was given about cancer, causes and symptoms of cancer, types of cancer, cancer check-up and its importance, cancer treatment and prevention. They were also enforced to live a healthy lifestyle by being brisk and active, having healthy food and avoid eating junks. Pamphlets related to cancer were distributed among the participants to educate them. Flex boards were also kept and the people were asked to read it. people joined as volunteers to help create awareness among the society.

Cancer Awareness programme

at St.Mary’s Ch, Erode Railway Colony.

Rev. Fr.S. Pushpanathan, Director, Ceema utilised the opportunity provided by  the Parish Priest of St.Mary’s Church, Erode Railiway Colony and celebrated the Mass on 09th February, where around 250 people took part in it.  As usual after the communion, he created awareness and helped the gathering to recognize the early signs and symptoms of cancer, thus enabling them to seek treatment at an early stage. He explained to them about symptoms of cancer which include lumps, sores, bleeding, hoarseness, weight loss and persistent indigestion /cough/pain etc.

  • He clearly outlined on the different types of cancer (Oral cancer, Cervical cancer, Lung cancer etc).
  • He gave them Tips to be kept in mind:
  • To Eat nutritional food
  • Plenty of leafy vegetables and fruits
  • Eat less of red meat
  • Eat less salt, spice
  • Avoid fast food
  • Do not use plastic products

He enforced that cancer is curable if detected at an early stage and explained about the different stages of cancer and how to detect it.

Symptoms of cancer:  Bladder change

  • Bowel changes : Tumour in the breast or other parts of the body, Indigestion, Abnormal change in kidney and stools, Weight loss without known reason, and Change in voice or continuous cough.

The Catechism teachers, Parish Council Members, Anbiam Leaders and Volunteers participated enthusiastically and it was an interactive session where they clarified their doubts about the programme.

  • Flex boards were also kept and everyone were asked to read it.
  • Some of them volunteered to serve the society.
  • After the meeting, notices were issued to raise awareness about cancer.

He clearly outlined  different ypes of cancer like Oral cancer, Cervical cancer, and Lung cancer.At the end, Director thanked the Parish Priest for this opportunity and the gathering who took part with full involvment.


Ezhuvom Iyakkam’ Volunteers’ Meeting 

Holy Family Church, Perundurai.

‘Ezuvom Iyakkam’ Volunteers’ Meeting took place at Holy Family Church, Perundurai on 14th of February, in the Parish Hall.  There were about 20 persons took part in it. Fr.Pushpanathan, Director, CEEMA motivated them by explaining about the role of volunteers in the Cancer Care Campaign. In his motivation, he requested them to be responsible in their participation, sharing of knowledge about Cancer, helping in the screening camps, distribution of papers containing informations about Cancer and so on. 

  • He clearly outlined  different ypes of cancer like Oral cancer, Cervical cancer, and Lung cancer. He gave them useful tips like how to recognize the early signs and symptoms of cancer, thus enabling the people to seek treatment at an early stage. He motivated them to apply some more attention for symptoms which  may include lumps, sores, bleeding, hoarseness, weight loss and persistent indigestion/cough/pain, etc.  He told them to inform people about the importance of cancer check-ups at an early stage.
  • He distributed notices to raise awareness about cancer.  The meeting came to an end after their registeration and final prayer.



 Place                     :  Holy Family Church, Perundurai, Erode

Date                       :  23.02.2020

Presided by      :  Dr.Srinath,M.B.B.S., Mr.Rozario, P.O.

Organized by  :  CEEMA, Erode Cancer Centre.

Participants:    95 persons

  • Cancer Screening Camp “Ezhuvom Iyakkam” in connection with Cancer Care Campaign was held in Perundurai, Erode on 23rd February 2020. The Cancer Screening Camp among the public to create a cancer -free Erode. The Cancer Screening Camp was organized by CEEMA in association with Erode Cancer Centre (ECC). It was inaugurated in the Cancer Screening Camp included Dr.Srinath(MBBS, Erode Cancer Centre), Mr.Rozario (Service Line Manager, ECC). The Cancer Screening Camp started at 10.00 am at Holy Family Church Hall, perundurai, Erode. The public and SHG members around 95 participated in the Cancer Screening Camp.

To diagnose the cancer at its early stage specially uterine and breast cancer and women also offered Papsmear test (taken 4 women benefits) for  further consultaion if required.

  • Papsmear test will carry out case study.
  • To consult the tobacco and alcoholic addict.
  • To spread awareness on cancer and the ways of preventing it.
  • Body weight testing, blood pressure condition, Sugar check up, Blood Donors identification took place.
  • There were about 10 persons registered themselves as Blood Donors and their details were collected and filed.

 General Camp:  55 Participants.

 General Camp was organized at CEEMA, Thindal, Erode. It was addressed by Mr.S.Rozario, Service Line Manager, ECC. The Fr.S.Pushpanathan, Director, CEEMA introduced the theme of the Camp and invited the participants to utilise the opportunity to identify their Blood and Sugar condition. He motivated the participants to become live blood donors.  Many approached the Lab Desk to know their sugar level and registered in the Blood Donors List.

The programe came to as end with thanksgiving by Mr.Jolly, Project Co ordinator, CEEMA and Nationa Anthem.

Cancer Awareness Programme

Date:                               13.02.2020

Place:                            Amala Mat.Hr.Sec.School, Gobi.

No of Participants:   450

The Program was organized to create awareness among the students fo Amala Mat.& Hr.Sec.School, Gobi. The resource person for this program was  Mr. Rozario, ERODE CANCER CENTER, CEEMA.  Members who attended the event were Director S. Pushpanathan, point person Mr. A. Jolly Abraham, Trained staff, 52 Teachers and 450 students. Fr. S. Puspanathan gave an introduction about CEEMA, and its purpose behind conducting this Cancer awareness program. He also gave a sketch about cancer and its symptoms.

Then, Mr. Rozario clearly outlined about Cancer, how it comes in many forms and types. He also elaborately explained that Cancer is the collective name given to the disease where certain cells of the person’s body start dividing continuously, refusing to stop. These extra cells form when none are needed and they spread into the surrounding tissues and can even form malignant tumours. Cells may break away from such tumours and go and form tumours in other places of the patient’s body.

 He also explained the importance of early diagnosis and immediate medical care are of utmost importance.

The most common cancers of children are:

  • Leukemia, Brain and Spinal cord Tumours, Neuroblastoma, Wilms Tumour, Lymphoma, Bone Cancer.

The causes of cancer was taught to the students

  • Tobaccos, Packed Food, Soft Drinks, Eating Junk Foods, Heavy alcohol Consumption, Excess body weight, Physical inactivity and Poor Nutrition.
  • More affected of nearing smoker. Prevention is very important. So Students are advised to reduce the usage of cell phones.
  • He also explained about the three most common treatment plans – surgery,radiation therapy or chemotherapy.Finally the Students were requested to maintain a healthy body by following balanced diet, getting frequent medical & dietary advice and avoiding fast food.  Along with Sr Principal, Teaching Staff, students took oath to follow good food system and be the responsible volunteer in future.
  • After the meeting, notices were issued to raise awareness about cancer. The project coordinator Mr.Jolly Abraham concluded the program by thanking every one present.

Interface Meeting

We had interface meeting with Government Social Welfare persons of Villages from Erode District on 20th February at Ceema Mini Hall, Erode. The meeting started at 2.30 p.m . At first Fr.Pushpanathan, Director, CEEMA explained about the project,”Ezhuvom Iyakkam” Cancer Care Campaign briefly.  The purpose of the Iyakkam is , to create awareness of the disease and to help the people recognize the early signs and symptoms of cancer, thus enabling them to seek treatment at an early stage.

  • Mr. Jolly Abraham, the project Coordinator  encourages the participants to seek prompt medical attention for symptoms which  may include lumps, sores, bleeding, hoarseness, weight loss and persistent indigestion/cough/pain, etc.  To inform people about the importance of cancer check-ups at an early stage.

  • He clearly outlined  different ypes of cancer like Oral cancer, Cervical cancer, and Lung cancer. He gave them useful tips like how to recognize the early signs and symptoms of cancer, thus enabling the people to seek treatment at an early stage. He motivated them to apply some more attention for symptoms which  may include lumps, sores, bleeding, hoarseness, weight loss and persistent indigestion/cough/pain, etc.  He told them to inform people about the importance of cancer check-ups at an early stage.
  • He distributed notices to raise awareness about cancer.  The meeting came to an end after their registeration. The participants promised to work for the awareness programe by informing to the people in their villages.

Cancer Awareness Programme

Place                       :   Kongu Arts & Science College, Erode.

Date                        :   04.03.2020.

No of Participants:   120.

  • The program was organized to create awareness among the students of Kongu Arts & Science College, Nanjanapuram, Erode on 04th of March at 11.00 a.m. in the College Meeting Hall.  Dr. Velevan, Director, ERODE CANCER CENTER,  and Dr. Subhatra MBBS, DMRD, Consultant Radiologist, Adharsh Scans, Erode were the resource persons for this progrme. CEEMA Director S. Pushpanathan introduced the theme and resource persons to the gathering. Project coordinator Mr. A. Jolly Abraham, Trained staff organized the event. Professor Mr. Balakrishnan HOD of Social Work Department, Mrs. Karthikeyani head of women development cell, Kongu Arts and Science College, and 08 professors of other departments took part in it.

Then, Dr.Velavan, Director,ECC clearly outlined about Cancer, how it comes in many forms and types. He also elaborately explained that Cancer is the collective name given to the disease where certain cells of the person’s body start dividing continuously, refusing to stop.

  • These extra cells form when none are needed and they spread into the surrounding tissues and can even form malignant tumours. Cells may break away from such tumours and go and form tumours in other places of the patient’s body.  He also explained the importance of early diagnosis and immediate medical care are of utmost importance.
  • Dr. subhathra spoke about  breast cancer and how many women ignore that may be indictive of cancer.  If a new health problem arises, she advised them to check on it immediately without any delay. ‘The sooner a problem is explained, the sooner treatment can be begun’. This is what she inculcated in each and every one of them. She also explained them that many forms of cancer can be cured if they are found early.

She spoke about some of the cancers that most often affect women like breast, colorectal, endometrial, lung, cervical, skin, and ovarian cancers. She also explained about few symptoms that every women should be on the lookout for. For Example,

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding. …, Unexplained Weight loss, Vaginal discharge colored with blood, Constant fatigue, Loss of appetitie or feeling full all the time, Pain in the pelvis or abdominal area, Changes in your bathroom habits,Breast Changes, Lump or firm feeling in your breast or under your arm and Skin that is itchy, red, scaly, dimpled. 
  • They were also enforced to live a healthy lifestyle by being brisk and active, having healthy food and avoid eating junks. Pamphlets related to cancer were distributed among the participants to educate them.
  • Finally Director of Ceema thanked the College Administration and the resource persons for their valuable contribution.

Ezhuvom Iyakkam’ Volunteers’ Meeting 

Sacred Heart Church, Gobi.

‘Ezuvom Iyakkam’ Volunteers’ Meeting took place at Sacred Heart Church, Gobi on 05th of March, in the Parish Hall.  There were about 25 youth took part in it. Fr.Pushpanathan, Director, CEEMA motivated them by explaining about the role of volunteers in the Cancer Care Campaign. In his motivation, he requested them to be responsible in their participation, sharing of knowledge about Cancer, helping in the screening camps, distribution of papers containing informations about Cancer and so on. 

  • He clearly outlined  different ypes of cancer like Oral cancer, Cervical cancer, and Lung cancer. He gave them useful tips like how to recognize the early signs and symptoms of cancer, thus enabling the people to seek treatment at an early stage. He motivated them to apply some more attention for symptoms which  may include lumps, sores, bleeding, hoarseness, weight loss and persistent indigestion/cough/pain, etc.  He told them to inform people about the importance of cancer check-ups at an early stage.
  • He distributed notices to raise awareness about cancer.  The meeting came to an end after their registeration and final prayer.

Cancer Awareness Programme

Place                       :  Perundurai& kanji kovil

Date                        :    16.09.20 &23.09.20

No of Participants:  65

EzhuvomIyakkam- Cancer Care Campaign:

Two awareness programmes were organized at Perundurai and Kanjikovil on 16.09.2020 and 23.09.2020. Sixty Five participants attended. Rev.Fr.S.Pushpanathan (director of CEEMA), and Mr.R.M.Subramanian gave talk on cancer and chemical contamination in food and its causative reason for cancer, importance of natural foods, types of cancer and its symptoms and treatment process, and importance of early diagnosis. The participants clarified their doubts regarding breast cancer.