New Thrust

This project is supported by Misereor through TASOSS. It focuses on the empowerment of women mainly through capacity building and enhancing sustainable livelihood choices of the CBO’s through resource mobilization and livelihood education for sustainable wealth creation.

Project Areas
The projects areas are Perundurai in Erode District and Kundadam & Moolanur in Tirupur District.

Staff Training Programme

Three training programmes for staff and volunteers were organized at Perundurai, Mulanur and Kundadamin order to orient them on the safety of girl child, Cauvery problem and the judgment by Supreme Court of India on Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Act. The training programmes were facilitated by Fr. Pushpanathan, Mr.T.Asath, and Mrs.Roseline. A total of 137 people participated.

Monitoring and review programme
CEEMA had organized 12 monitoring and review programme at CEEMA community hall. 17 staff regularly participated in these programmes. These were conducted mainly to review the ongoing projects and to plan future activities. The meetings used as key opportunity to gather field information and data for detailed analysis. These programme helped us to update our database on SHGs and JLG’s, livelihood activities, and Federations.

Baseline survey
Three baseline surveys were conducted among 75 targeted people at Mulanur,Kundadam and Perundurai by CEEMA staff and the data was shared with TASOSS. And an action
plan meeting was held on 21.02.2019 and 22.02.2019 to plan two-year project activities.

Mapping of land and water resource
CEEMA has conducted three programmes for mapping of land and water resources.

  • Perundurai : on 17.08.2018 and 30 people participated.
  • Mulanur : on 18.08.2018 and 30 people participated.
  • Kundadam : on 18.08.2018 and 26 people participated.

The CEEMA staff used transects walk and focus group discussion to identify the local resources, land and water related problems with the help of local community members. The village community people helped to finalize the map and local resources.

Capacity building programme to identify Producer Groups
A capacity building programme was organized to identify PG’s at CEEMA community hall and at Mulanur. 30 people participated from selected areas. Rev. Fr. Pushpanathan explained the scope of the programme. Mr. Sudharsan (officer, Rural Self-Employment of Canara Bank) facilitated the programme. He talked about various financial schemes of the government, minority department and banking sectors, business plans and PG’s registration procedure.

Monitoring tool orientation programme for staff
The point person participated in the monitoring tool orientation programme which was organized by TASOSS in Dindugal on 11.09.2018. The follow-up orientation to staff on evolved strategies and monitoring tools programmewas organized at CEEMA community hall on 14.09.2018. All staff of CEEMA participated. The point person explained about the monitoring tools and its content to the staff.

Sensitization on the importance of rejuvenating water bodies, recycling and re-use of water
A sensitization programme on the importance of rejuvenating water bodies, recycling and re-use of water was organized at CEEMA on 28.09.2018. 45 people from three selected areas participated. Rev. Fr. Pushpanathan explained the importance of land and water for future generation. Mr. Subramaniam (Asst.Director, Agri Department) was the resource person.

Exposure visit
CEEMA arranged an exposure visit on 16.08.2018 for 50 members from interested groups to Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK), Myrada, Gobichettipalayam which is an organic and
integrated farming resource centre. The KVK staff Mrs. Surya, explained the details of producer groups and their different products which included value-added products. More information about subsidy, loan for producer groups, PG’s challenges, equal shares, marketing issues, and business management techniques were given. The participants also visited the producer company of KVK.

Training need analysis of producer groups (PG’s)
Training need analysis was conducted at Kundadam on 15.11.2018. 50 farmers participated. It is one of the crucial steps towards identifying the interest of the farmer, design & development of curriculum that can be best suit to the existing condition of the people.

Sensitization of members of community based organization (CBOs), Child Parliaments (CPs) and elected representatives of the local bodies on their role in protection of water and land resources
CEEMA conducted two programmes on 23.10.2018 and 05.01.2019 at CEEMA and Kundadam respectively. 76 people attended. The participants came forward to form land and water protection committee.

Facilitating and documenting direct interventions of CBO’s on rejuvenating water bodies, recycling and re-use of water and also maintenance of drinking water sources
The programmes were organized on 08.10.2018 and 05.12.2018 at Mulanur. 73 people participated. CEEMA collected information on local water resources and steps to protect them in future.

Capacity building trainings to potential producer groups (farming, non-farming and service sector) on information sharing hub-collecting and disseminating information
Three programmes were organized on 25.10.2018 and 07.12.2018 at Kundadam and Mulanur. 70 people participated. Mr. Muruganantham (officer, NABARD) facilitated the programme. The resource persons explained about producer groups, producer organizations, input supply, production services, financial service, implementing quality
assurance programme, training and processing.

Field trainings to PG’s on development of business plan, value addition, and marketing strategies
The programmes were organized on 19.12.2018 and 18.03.2019 at Mulanur and Kundadam. 100 people participated. The point person explained about the content of a business plan. The participants were provided with model business plan and loan schemes of government.

Sensitizing potential PG’s on financial and resource mobilization
The programmes were organized on 13.12.2018, 20.02.2019 and 22.02.2019 at Kundadam and Mulanur. 131 beneficiaries attended. These programmes were to create awareness on financial and resource management within their local areas. The point person explained about the financial resources of business sector. He also took a session on
NABARD and NABFINS loan schemes.

Workshop on cadre building
The programme was conducted at CEEMA on 19.11.2018. 56 persons participated. The point person talked about the importance of protection of land and water.

Identification and sensitization of LAW cadres on legal provision of protection of L&W resources
Two programmes were organized on 14.02.2019 and 15.02.2019 at Mulanur and Perundurai. 87 people participated. The resource person talked about the protection of land water resources.

Our SHG Details:

S. No Name of the Block No of SHGs No of Members Total Savings
1 Perundurai 54 653 10807000
2 Kundadam 17 213 2750000
3 Mulanur 22 232 1752000
4 Kangeyam 10 114 1262500
5 Dharapuram 23 172 2152000
TOTAL 126 1384 18723500




Project Reference No. 321-901-1097 ZG

Program: Induction Training for Project Staff & Volunteers

Date: 05/05/2017

Place: CEEMA Training Hall, Thindal, Erode

Objective: To introduce and capacitate the newly appointed staff and the old staff for the better preferment’s of the projects.

Input Session:

In order to implement the projects successfully, CEEMA had appointed few more new staff.

One-day staff capacity building training was conducted. The Director Fr. V. Arun explained about the projects in details. He thanked all the benefactors on behalf of CEEMA for their concern in sanctioning the projects. He specially mentioned that all the staff has to work whole-heartedly and efficiently to make the projects successfully. Though, it is a tough task, he solicited the support of all of them.

The resource person (RP) Mr. Victor explained about the scenario of agriculture in Tirupur district and particularly Kundadam block. He outlined the present pattern of agriculture and the support given by various government departments. It is important that we coordinate and network with departments and Agriculture University in implementing the project.

The RP had also explained the importance of collecting the baseline information related to agriculture scenario in Kundadam Block. He further said that such information would be useful in assessing the impact of the project on a later stage. A detailed format (attached herewith) had been prepared to collect the data. The RP explained the format in detail, how to collect correct information and fill it properly. The staff asked several questions and clarifications. The director distributed survey format to all staff. The CEEMA accountant explained the accounting pattern and asked the staff to provide account details on time.

After the lunch break the director explained the roles and responsibilities of each staff and urged them to follow it meticulously.

The Programme Manager allocated monthly work for staff and asked them to communicate details on a regular basis. There would be monthly staff meeting to review the activities. There was a session on clarifications from the side of the staff. The staff made sincere efforts to know more about the project and the implementation strategies.


All the staff expressed that the sessions were very useful for their field work. And it is an eye opener for our day to day work in the field. How to collect the data for the project and what we need for the documentation for the project ect., Also they expressed that they need more training on documentation and report writings. Finally Director said that he will arrange such trainings in future.

Achievement of the project objective/s

* interested groups took initiates towards enterprise feasibility. One group is producing Shikakai and another group doing agricultural activities at Perundurai.

* An interested Group registered in Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. The group interested to produce Shikakai powder. The group was linked with NABARD JLG loan scheme to buy machineries. During our cadre building workshop, the PGs got opportunity to sell their Shikakai products in TASOSS, Trichy.

*CBO members of Perundurai block protested and addressed water pollution problem.

*CEEMA formed 3 core committees in the target areas.

*A sexual harassment and women violence had addressed and solved by our staffs and federation members at Sivagiri and Kangeyam.

* Water tank problem solved in Kundadam target area.

*4 ponds are created for rain water harvesting in private land of our target community in Kundadam and Mulanur.

* Sericulture people linked with vermi-compost production schemes of Tamil Nadu. Now they are producing vermin-compost and using it in their agricultural field.

* The water problem identified in Mulanur and took initiative to create water ponds.

* The formers and CBOs formed two committees to protect land and water at Mulanur and Kundadam.

*Mrs. Ranganayagi extended her Silkworm bed with govt scheme. Mrs. Loganayagi and Mrs. Lakshmi renovated their silkworm rearing shed.

Centre for Education and Empowerment of the Marginalised (CEEMA)


Project:New Thrust Programme Phase VI follow project

Project Reference No.:321-901-1121 ZG

Program:Sensitizing potential PGs on Financial and Resource mobilization



No. of Participants:35


The programme was organized on  Kundadam.  35 participants have attended.  That programme was to create awareness on financial and resource management within their local areas.  The point person welcomes the participants and explained about a financial resource of any business sector.  He also noted that resource mobilization means expansions of relations with a resource provides and the skills knowledge and capacity for proper use of resources. Also includes seeking new sources of resource. Mobilization as well as correct and maximum use of the available resource.

@ The point person also explained about resources management strategies

@ The PG need to know to assessment of the current situation.

@ PG members required identifying required resources for the business

@ The PG members has sufficient skills in comparing what is needed and what is available to provide determined the gaps.

@ Identifying potential sources of needed resources.

@ Outlining best strategies for approaching stakeholders.

@ Outlining monitoring under review mechanisms.

19.11.19 Bilding Prodution Skill Training

The training was conducted at Kundadam block, Tirupur District.  Fr. S.Pushpanathan director, CEEMA gave the introduction of the program. The point person explained about the scope of the programme and concept of production skill.


  • Operation Monitoring – Dials indicators to make sure a machine is working properly.
  • Active Listening – Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made.
  • Operation and Control – Controlling operations of equipment or things.
  • Judgment and Decision Making – Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one.
  • Active Learning – Understanding the implication of new information for both current and future problem – solving and decision-making.
  • Persuasion – Persuading others to change their minds or behaviour.


Small scale producers have limited assent and resource to perform activities that require expensive equipments. Production can help their members to improve the quality and productivity of providing extension services or access to equipment such as tractors or chilling container.


In order to help the small producers to manage their activities well and improve the quality of their product, extension training in new technology and managerial aspects are provided by the production.

NT – Project Resource Mapping

Program NT – Project Resource Mapping
Date 24.11.2019
Place Perundurai (Ellispettai)
No. of Participants 44

CEEMA have conducted a mapping out land and water resource programme was held on 24.11.2019 Ellispettai- CSI School, Perundurai block, Erode District. The CEEMA staffs used the following methodology.

  • Transect walk.
  • Focus group discussion (FGD)

The programme helped to identify the local resources, Land and Water related problems. During the program the programme the staffs facilitated the programme to collect local resources, land structures, and other basic needs of the community.

In short, resource mapping helped the communities to accomplish a number of goals, including

  • Identifying new resource.
  • Ensuring that all youth have access to the resources they need.
  • Avoiding duplication of services and resources.
  • Cultivating new partnerships and relationships.
  • Providing information across agencies that work with youth.
  • Encouraging collaboration

NEW THRUST PHASE VIFollow on Project:

CEEMA had organized the following activities under this project:

  • Distributed dry ration kits, soap, and mask to 309 poor families at Kundadam, Perundurai, and Mulanur Blocks.
  • Distributed dry ration to 40 families at Perundurai in the presence of Mr.D. Thoppu Venkatachalam, MLA, Perundurai.
  • We had organized an awareness programme on COVID-19 atPattakarapalaiyamin Erode District in the presence of Mr. Nallasamy, panchayat president. Fifty Two people took part in this program. We had also distributed face masks and soaps.